Three Myths About Contraction Joints in Residential Slabs
Read this article by Harvey Haynes, published in the January 2018 issue of Concrete Construction.
Contraction Joints in Residential Slabs-on-Ground
This article published in the American Concrete Institute
Contraction Joints in Residential Concrete Slabs
This article discusses the difference between plain, reinforced and post-tensioned residential slabs, and why the inclusion of contraction joints are required in some cases and
Contraction Joints in Residential Slabs Using a New Method.
An article in Concrete Facts, Sprint 2021 (Vol.28-3) discusses the common causes of cracking in concrete, the ACI standards relating to contraction joints, and how the new method of embedding a strip of polymer tape into fresh concrete, like is done by the Trakjoint system is superior to legacy methods of inserting contraction joints in residential slabs.
Field Experience Using Trak Joints
A New Method to Install Contraction Joints A new method to install contraction joints in slabs-on-ground offers speed and cost advantages over existing methods. Even
New Tool for Slab Joints Reduces Concrete Cracking by Gigi Wood
Harvey Haynes had a chance to talk in detail with Gigi Wood, who wrote a great article covering the history and details of Trak Joints.